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Ditch the disposable straw

From September 3, 2018: 

Disposable plastic straws will not be distributed at most campus catering outlets. Each catering outlet will have their own plan to comply with the policy. Catering outlets that are centrally managed are required to follow the Policy on disposable plastic straws while many independent outlets will also do their part to reduce disposable plastic straws on campus.

We're encouraging a

movement on campus to 




Find out which catering outlets are doing what to comply with the new policy

Why skip plastic straws?

Straws are not recyclable

Plastic straws are generally not recyclable around the world - this means that they will end up in our landfills. 

Around 84,000 straws are disposed on hku campus in a month

Straws hurt wildlife

Marine animals can mistake plastic for food and become entangled in plastic debris, which can cause starvation or even death.

Other alternatives exist

Can't give up straws? There are many alternatives that exist - switch to a reusable metal, glass or even paper straw!

Plastic straws are amongst the most frequently collected items in international beach clean-ups (Ocean Conservancy, 2017)


These straws, usually made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic, are highly durable and non-degradable.  While PP is recyclable, PP straws are generally not recyclable around the world.  As a result of this, almost all the plastic straws we use end up as waste.


Despite this, a great number of plastic straws are used in our daily life.  We estimate that around 84,000 straws are disposed on HKU campus in a typical month.

Alternatives to plastic straws
Straw Comparison

There are various types of reusable straws on the market, but reusable doesn't necessarily mean sustainable.  The production, transportation, and disposal of almost all these straws have environmental costs and produce pollutants.  


Check out our chart to see how they stack up!

straw comparison (with keys).png
Ditch the straw timeline

12 March 2018

Eight UGC-funded universities launched a joint environmental campaign "UNIfy: Skip the Straw" to reduce the number of single-use plastic straws used. 

12-16th March 2018

Most catering outlets at HKU did not offer plastic straws - unless they were requested - for the week of March 12-16th, 2018.  Efforts to reduce disposable plastic straw use was continued by introducing "No Straw Mondays" from March 19th.


16,792 straws were saved at HKU during the March 12-16 No Straw Week 


Policy on Disposable plastic straws

Starting from 3 September 2018, HKU will ban single use plastic straws at catering outlets (except in emergencies or medical circumstances). 


What if I have health concerns? I use straws to prevent tooth decay and erosion.

There is scientific evidence suggesting that using straws can lessen dental erosion, however, the most important factor in the prevention of tooth decay is to eat less frequently, minimise drinking beverages or eating foods that are sugary and acidic, and maintain good oral hygiene.  More information on straws and dental erosion will be provided in the future by our very own dental faculty. 



Am I still able to get straws on campus after the straw ban?

Yes. We recommend you to get yourself a reusable straw, which will be available on campus at SU Co-op Shop and Bijas.  At certain campus catering outlets paper straws will be given upon request. You can find a more detailed explanation of the plastic straw policy on our website.  Also click here to see which catering outlets will follow the straw ban and whether or not they will provide alternatives. 


I find it really inconvenient to carry around my reusable straw/ drink from cups directly.

Although it may be a little extra effort to use a reusable straw or ditch straws completely, consider the effect on the environment. A disposable straw may make your life marginally easier for a few minutes, but it will then be discarded and likely end up in a landfill for hundreds of years. By making a small change to ditch straws, we can create a big impact to protect the environment.

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